Funny things are Everywhere...

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Ready or not...

My sister in law Michelle is getting induced today with her first baby girl. Its such a life changing experience when your first child is born so I thought today that I would tell the story of Devon's (my first born) birth =)

It was the beginning of August and I wasn't due for another two weeks, we had gone up to my in laws to celebrate my brother in law Bob's birthday. I walked in the door and was greeted with my father in law telling me about this pizza place in Texas that is known for putting women into labor, all I could think was "sign me up for that roadtrip". It just so happend that we were having pizza for dinner that my sister in law Michelle made and it was SOOOOO good. I ate SO much pizza and the joke at the table was that Michelle's pizza was going to put me into labor... Well I ate so much I had to go lie down after dinner, so I found a comfy place on the couch. When everyone started filtering into the livingroom, someone said something funny that made me laugh so hard I felt like I peed my pants a little... not too out of the normal but I headed for the "little girls room". I COULDN"T STOP PEEING! I was sitting there wondering what was wrong with me and it suddenly occurred to me that my water broke. But another thought came to me VERY quickly, what if my bladder control has hit an all time low and I go out and annouce that my water has broken and it is really me just not able to stop peeing... So I waited, and waited and waited some more. Someone came to the bathroom to check on me and I said I was fine. Then I finally waddled into the livingroom and announced "Either I'm having major bladder control issues or my water just broke". John's face turned white, he flew up out of his chair and started pacing the room trying to remember what we were supposed to do. Someone grabbed me towels to sit on and I sat down to relax. John wanted to fly out of the door as quickly as possible so I called the nurse's number that I had and asked what to do. They told me to get into a hospital as soon as possible. We ran to our apartment to pick up our things and John told me to stay in the car, I wasn't about to do that, what if he forgot something important! (My bags were packed but needed my toothbrush and deoderant.) I gushed with each step and laughed uncontrollably at such a situation. John couldn't believe that I thought this was all so funny and almost seemed upset by my giggles. Back to the car!

We got to the hospital and I told the nurse I could walk just fine to the room but she insisted on wheel chair, good thing because I soaked it... We got to the room and waited and waited and NOTHING was happening. Apparently my body hadn't gotten the message that my water had broken and it was time for this baby to come out now. So they brought in petocin(spelling?) which induces your labor, you have to have your baby within 24 hours if your water breaks. My contractions became crazy, having no rhyme or reason to them so I wanted an epidural as quickly as humanly possible. The poor anesthiologist (again, spelling!?) was on call and had literally just left to get home so they had to have him come back. I got the epidural and passed out for a few hours of sleep. So wonderful. At around 12:30pm I started pushing. My doctor was out of town so I had the on call doctor. She came in and would look at me and tell me "Your just not doing it right" and then leave the room. I cried and cried because I couldn't figure out what she was telling me. The nurses were encouraging me and I made progress everytime the doctor left the room. This baby's head was turned and making it alot harder to do what I needed to do. After 2 1/2 hours of pushing (I only remember the first hour) Devon James was born. I cried for SO many reasons!
Thankful that he was safe, thankful that I didn't have to keep going. I had wanted to hold Devon right away but the doctor said he needed to be cleaned up first, which was ridiculous. After about 10 minutes of the room spinning and starting to slow down, I asked "So what did we have?" I was SO out of it! I had blown blood vessels in my eyes and knots in my arms and legs, I looked like a wreck. The doctor was awful, not only did she discourage me while I was trying so hard but she didn't let me hold Devon or let John cut the cord. While those things might have been nice what mattered was that he was here, and he was safe. Each birthing story is so unique and amazing in completely different ways. I know how much I appreciated my mom after experiencing what she went through for me. Today I'm thinking about my beautiful sister in law Michelle and how soon she will be holding a beautiful baby girl, God is so good.

Ready or not, here they come! From there to here, from here to there, funny things are every where.

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