Funny things are Everywhere...

Sunday, January 9, 2011

God's artwork

Today I have to say goodbye to my family, my parents and siblings as they leave for Arizona. I'm still not ready for this day and yet here it is. I don't mean this post to be sad but for it to be a moment where I appreciate who my family is to me and how they have shaped my life. Maybe it will reveal the origins of my theme, "Funny things are everywhere" as I've been raised with humor all around me.

My dad is my hero, I remember being a child and convinced that he was the best basketball player in the world. When I asked him why he didn't play professional basketball he told me it was because he loves Jesus more than basketball and wanted to tell others about him. And that is just who my dad is, loves Jesus and wants to tell others, he has a real servant heart. He went to Haiti this last year and I couldn't be more proud of what God did in and through my dad because of that trip. I feel a connection with my dad that we never had before, we're missionaries. We maybe always were, but now I really know it. He has such a heart for his children and a love for us that I can hardly describe while keeping my emotions together. Okay, back to to funny. I still think he's the best basketball player in the world =)

My mom would sing us songs when we went to sleep at night, crazy silly songs about lollipop trees. "Under my lollipop, lollipop, lollipop, lolli, lolli, lollipop tree." I always felt safe going to sleep at night after she would sing to us, like everything in the world was the way it was supposed to be. She worked so hard with us on our schoolwork, putting in hours to help us finish projects. My mother's love I would describe as "full of grace". She has never ever looked at her children with any less love than the first time she held us, even when we've hurt her or disappointed her. I love telling her my stories, she laughs harder than anyone and has such a joy for the humor in life. God has done great things in the last year healing my mother and I think despite what has all happened, she will be stronger because of it all. I think sometimes the potter looks at his clay and decides that He's going to make a new creation, even more beautiful than the old. Its a process that is painful, not easy to go through or understand. But when its complete, the glory of the Lord is SO apparent. God's fingerprint is not just on our heart but on our entire life.

This post could be the longest post ever if I talked about each of my siblings individually as I am the oldest of seven. As you can see from the picture we're quite the crew. Growing up was never boring and I actually remember thinking to myself, "Another one?!" when my parents would announce they were having another baby. God's plan was bigger than our own. I love each of my siblings in completely different ways. There are times where I've felt that insecurity with my brothers where I wonder if they even like me =) But then there is that moment and it doesn't happen very often but I get a glimpse of the real love they have for me. I know without a doubt how much each of my siblings loves my kids, I watch the interaction with more joy than I could have imagined. I'm proud of all of brothers and sisters, not because of the things they have done or haven't done but because of who they are. I'm an artist and I see them all as creations of art that have just begun. The fresh paint is still on the canvas, God is still trying to decide whether to the leave the original color or blend another into it. The final outcome hasn't been decided, there is still room on the canvas. God is still working on me as well but right now I appreciate each of my brothers and sisters.

Justin, Charles, Rebekah, Timothy, Miriam, and Theresa =) We may be on opposite sides of the country but we will be JUST as close as if our bedrooms were just down the hall. I remember holding each of you for the first time, okay slight exaggeration when it comes to Justin seeing as I was 4... but anyway, I was in awe of such a small person (I continue to be in awe of midgets). So much life in such a small being, so much possibility and opportunity. While you travel far away from me, remember the good times. Remember the times we've laughed over the most ridiculous things because that is what makes us family. From Wisconsin to Arizona...

"From there to here, from here to there, funny things are everywhere..."

1 comment:

  1. You are an amazing writer- and reading your post about your family and the love you have for one another makes me even more thankful that your dad has taken the call to our church here in AZ. I hope to get to know you sometime as well as the rest of your family here in AZ.
