Funny things are Everywhere...

Friday, January 14, 2011

No pictures today...

So I thought it would be such a good idea to take a really hot bath, to try to relax and feel better. I filled the tub, lit some candles and climbed into a luke warm bath, definitely not hot or relaxing. I had run out of hot water, something John said he could fix and either he didn't fix it or what he tried to fix didn't work. So I started trying to heat water on the stove, running around the house in my towel. This continuing the "unrelaxing" I was doing, making me feel more tense. Finally I got the water warm, still not hot but I figured if I used all that water I should try to take this dang bath. I climb in and just as I sit back, screams come from the livingroom. They were hurt cries so I flew out of the tub. Jack had bitten Devon and then Devon pushed Jack over and he hit his head. Both kids are screaming, crying, pointing at eachother and yes I'm standing there in all my glory (towel-less) trying to console them. I think both of my boys earned a counseling session down the road for that moment. I should more than likely keep track so that when both of them are in counseling at least I can point to the specific moments that attributed to it. I gave up on the bath, showers are faster and more practical. I share this story mostly to remind myself of the humor in it, because at the time it wasn't funny and part of me still won't laugh about it. But I know in a few days when I come back, read this post and relive the moment, I'll laugh.

"From there to here, from here to there, funny things are everywhere..."

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