Funny things are Everywhere...

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Icky Icky Devon is sicky...

5am and Devon starts calling "DADDY!" from his room, John went to check on him and I could hear Devon say that his tummy hurt. John, wanting to get back to bed asap, told him to go back to sleep. Motherly instincts wouldn't let me sleep so I got up and took him downstairs as I could hear him tossing and turning in his bed. He hardly complained and was so sweet. I laid a towl down on the recliner which is a great mommy tip! It really helps if they "toss their cookies" to make clean up easier, just swap out towels. I laid on the couch and dozed a bit and could hear that he was going to be sick, I lept off my couch throwing the bowl under him as quickly as I could to catch it. I had to do that 3 other times but at least I caught it EVERY time. If it was a sport, pretty sure I'd be a contender. Vomit catching, look out I'm sure it'll be in the next winter olympics ;) While it isn't fun to see your babies sick its nice to get to cuddle with them and give them some love, relax and watch movies and completely clear your schedule. I choose to look at these sick moments as as a mini vacation, yeah I know its weird. BUT I'm able to ignore all my other responsibilities and focus on just taking care of my babies. John came home for lunch today which was fantastic, he let me go out for a 3.25 mile run since its like almost 60 outside! It felt great. I wasn't sure how my body would hold up from just running on a treadmill for months other than a few short runs in Arizona. We head off to a foster care meeting tonight which I am greatly looking forward to, hopefully finding direction in our pursuit to further our ministry of children =) God is faithful and I know that He will provide the answers. Hopefully Devon is feeling better, his auntie Becca will be staying with them while we go. I ask for prayers as we seek out God's desire for our lives. Thanks!

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