Funny things are Everywhere...

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Funny noises... =)

Heres a picture of Devon after he put his pajamas on all by himself, he was pretty proud of the fact that he got them on. It took me a minute to even realize what he was wearing since he put them on inside out and backwards =) Funny kid

Devon came running into the kitchen to find me since I was working on dinner. He was saying, "Mommy, mommy, mommy!" all the way in and quickly came to a hault infront of me. Completely serious he says, "Mommy, there are noises coming out of my butt!" If you know anything about my upbringing I have been raised to think that these things are hilarious. I burst out laughing at his realization of quite the bodily function and quickly told him to go tell his father. I could hear John laughing from in the kitchen at Devon who repeated his discovery to his dad. Apparently the second time he turned around with his back to John waiting for "the noise" to come and looking over his shoulder with a big grin. Little boys =) Devon returned to me yesterday and informed me, "Wow, my butt is really noisy!" Again, I laughed and laughed at his innocent face. Its too bad that this will only last for a short while, I would love to hear teenagers express themselves saying, "That was a big noise out of my butt" instead of other phrases I've often heard =) Too funny is it to have little boys.

"From there to here, from here to there.... Funny things are Everywhere..."

1 comment:

  1. Sigh- I wish my boys were as old as Devon before learning about that bodily function, but not possible with their dad's DNA coursing through their veins and a teenager in the house (and a dad that acts like a teen) ;-)
    We've had to strongly discourage Peter from loudly announcing at he or someone else "farted" and Andrew has already learned to say "excuse me"- the funny part is that he says it for his brothers and his dad!
