Funny things are Everywhere...

Friday, September 7, 2012

School for them, time for me!

Where have I been? I guess thats the hard part about blogging, you can fall off the wagon so easily and getting back on after so long takes motivation. My mom has instructed me to blog about the boys first days of school because the story is pretty great.

Devon started school a few weeks ago, he was so excited and even more excited when he realized Jack was going to be coming to HIS school.

When Devon started school last year it was a rough transition. I cried, he cried and I felt lost wanting to go get him all day. Thankfully the year got better, maybe its always this way when your first goes off to school? Well I've been praying about Jack going to school and this next transition for our family. With Devon we started him in 4k which at Zion is an all day, every day program. This year with Jack we chose to start 3k two days a week. My hope was that this would transition both of us better.

Tuesday morning I got up with Devon as he tends to wake up closer to 6:30 and started getting ready. About 7 I went up to wake up Jack, picking him up out of bed as he limply lay on my shoulder. Somehow we all were ready and made it out the door. In the car Devon started a pep talk with Jack, something like this, "Jack, you need to be nice to people and then they be your friends. If people not be nice to you, you say 'Be nice to me please'. If people be mean to you then I come and I say, 'Be nice to my brother'." I'm grinning from the front seat listening to the guidance from an older brother. We parked and made our way into the school, all the while Devon is still chiming in with advice, "School is fun. You need to be quiet, listen and play. You get to play with friends, sing songs, do games, draw pictures, play with friends...If you want me to come by you, tell your teacher".
I didn't know what Jack's first drop off would be like so we walked Devon to his class first and then went back to Jack's. Jack saw toys in the room and quickly took off inside, leaving me at the door dumbfounded that, "Could it really be this easy?!". I snuck out and headed to my yoga class just up the road. It was FANTASTIC to have a few hours to myself. I went to pick up Jack and I stood anxiously waiting outside the classroom door, DYING to know how he did. His teacher came to the door and calmly called Jack who came running to me. As I'm putting his backpack on he says, "Mom, I missed you today! But why did you come and get me, I was having SO much fun." Needless to say he had a great day and was quite dissapointed to realize he had to wait 2 days to go back again. On Thursday I wondered if he would get sad at all knowing that I would leave him but yet again, the boy saw playdoh and it was, "Mom who?". Having a few hours to myself has been great but honestly my favorite part of it all is when I go and pick him up and he excitedly tells me all about his day. We go home, eat lunch together and then nap together. He also has been napping longer on school days so I find I wake up and sit there staring at him and wanting him to wake up and play with me, what I am 4?
He looks too little to go to school to me, his Buzz Lightyear backpack is bigger than he is but he loves it... and I suppose that when they are ready, they are ready, even if your not! I praise God for my sweet boys and thank HIM for providing beyond my expectations. We will see who else HE provides come February/March when Phillip baby #3 makes an appearance. I bet your wondering whether we'll have 3 boys or finally have another girl around, so are we! Too bad your going to have to wait until February/March to find out!